Nattokwinase, 120c

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120 capsules

SKU: 160 Category:


NattoKinase (Xymogen) is an all-natural, potent fi brinolytic enzyme that is extracted and highly purifi ed from natto, a
fermented soybean food consumed in Japan for over 1000 years. It is fast-acting and long-lasting.
In 1980, researchers discovered that NattoKinase could successfully break down fi brin, a blood clotting
protein. NattoKinase has been the subject of many studies, including human and animal trials. NattoKinase
may support the body in areas such as cardiovascular-related disorders, vascular and circulatory disorders
and may aid in conditions of poor healing.

NattoKinase 50 mg

Additional information

Weight 0.3 lbs
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 4 in

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